Did you know? The typical dentist is involved in more concerns than just teeth. While commonly associated with teeth-related concerns, the typical expert dental practice in Fairhope, AL is capable of much more than teeth cleanings and root canals. Specifically, they are focused on the health and care of everything oral!
This area is known as maxillofacial surgery. It involves dealing with conditions that affect the jaw, face, and mouth. A surgical intervention in such issues can help improve essential functions. However, beyond that, maxillofacial surgery addresses major quality-of-life concerns – even to the extent of being life-changing.
Here’s what it covers…
1. Sleep Apnea
Sleep Apnea is a serious condition where breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep, leading to disrupted sleep patterns and a range of health problems. It is often caused by an obstruction in the airway, which can be related to the structure of the jaw or soft tissues in the throat. For individuals with Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), surgical options are worth considering. Procedures such as uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP), which removes excess tissue from the throat, or mandibular advancement surgery, which repositions the lower jaw to open the airway, can be effective.
2. Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom Teeth, or third molars, often cause issues due to insufficient space in the mouth for proper eruption. This can lead to impaction, infection, and pain, requiring extraction. Wisdom tooth extraction is a common procedure performed by dental professionals. The surgery involves removing one or more of the impacted wisdom teeth, often under local or general anesthesia.
3. Misaligned Jaws
Misaligned Jaws, or jaw malocclusion, can cause problems with chewing, speaking, and overall oral function. It may also lead to discomfort and structural issues in the facial area. Orthognathic surgery, or corrective jaw surgery, is used to realign the jaws and improve function and appearance. This procedure involves repositioning the upper and/or lower jaw to correct alignment issues. Dental experts can effectively plan and execute the surgery, ensuring that the alignment is improved.
4. Apicoectomy
Apicoectomy is a procedure performed when an infection persists at the root tip of a tooth despite a root canal treatment. This infection can cause pain and affect the surrounding bone. During an apicoectomy, the endodontist makes an incision in the gum to access the root of the tooth. The infected tissue at the root tip is removed, and the root is sealed with a filling. This procedure helps save the tooth and prevent further infection.
5. Cleft Lip and Palate
Cleft Lip and Palate are congenital conditions where the upper lip and/or roof of the mouth (palate) do not fully close during fetal development. These conditions can affect feeding, speech, and appearance. Surgical repair of a cleft lip or palate involves closing the gap and reconstructing the affected areas. These surgeries are typically performed in stages, starting with initial repair during infancy and followed by additional procedures as the child grows.
6. Facial Pain
Facial Pain can result from various causes, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, sinus infections, or nerve conditions. It can significantly impact a person’s quality of life. Treatment for facial pain depends on the underlying cause. For TMJ disorders, surgical options like arthroscopy or joint replacement may be considered. In cases of nerve-related pain, procedures such as nerve decompression or surgery may be necessary.
If you’re currently dealing with any of these concerns, consider reaching out to a local dental expert. With their prior experience and skill set, a dentist can assess your requirements and suggest an intervention accordingly! As long as you’re working with an established and expert-backed dental practice, you have nothing to worry about! Book an appointment today!