Can I Drive After Getting an Epidural in My Neck?

Can I Drive After Getting an Epidural in My Neck?

You have received a local anesthetic and corticosteroids. Local anesthetic effects usually last 4-6 hours. It may take 3-7 days for corticosteroids to have their optimal effect.

Please pay close attention to the following information/instructions:

  1. You may be prohibited from driving for up to 12 hours after your injection.
  2. Mild soreness can occur up to 24 hours after the injection. Ice is the best remedy. You can apply ice for up to 20 minutes at a time, multiple times per day.
  3. During the first 72 hours after the injection, you should avoid any heat. You should also avoid saunas, steam rooms, and hot packs. Regular showers are recommended.
  4. You can resume taking your usual medication immediately, including pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and blood thinners.
  5. You must remove the sterile bandage or dressing tonight or tomorrow. Do not leave the band-aid/sterile dressing on after you’ve had a bath or gotten it wet.
  6. Corticosteroid side effects can occur, but they usually resolve within a couple of days. Headaches, flushing, and hot flashes are some of the side effects.
  7. It can take 10 days for the corticosteroid to have a long-term effect on pain. After your cortisone injection, you may experience slight pain.
  8. You can resume normal activities 24 hours after your injection.
  9. You can resume your therapy or exercise program whenever you want.
  10. Please fill out the pain diary after your injection. This journal will help you plan treatment.
  11. You should schedule a second or third visit to review your response to the injection.
  12. Bring your pain journal to your appointment.

This article was written by a medical professional at Florida Medical Pain Management. is proud to offer comprehensive pain management services to a diverse group of patients. Patients at Florida Medical Pain Management can get help managing hip, knee, leg, and neck pain. The practice also offers comprehensive arthritis management, along with treatments for auto accidents, sports, and work injuries.